My hubby and I have begun a new business, my dream business, while he has just become an insurance agent. One of the reasons he became an insurance agent is because insurance is, supposedly, one of only a few recession-proof careers. The other reason is, as a church planter he may not receive a paycheck that can cover any of our costs as a family. Thus we need jobs to provide for us and our ministry!
That being said, as we joined this insurance marketing company, we noticed how everybody there talks only about two things. Helping other families and helping their families. When people get up to talk, they tell about how they made $20,000 in one week or more. The crazy thing is, they are not kidding. That is their actual paycheck on a regular basis. As we have continued on with the company, our managers expect us to read consistently. Mostly motivational and leadership books, of course. Anyway, hubby and I began to search the Scriptures about what we were reading in these books. There's a lot in our reading list that just promote selfish ambition and give wealth-seeking advice, but surprisingly, there are many that are just meant to encourage folks to do the best at what they do and get compensated for their time.
I want everybody's opinion on this one. We all know that the most mis-quoted verse in the Bible is 1 Timothy 6:10, "For the LOVE of money is the root of ALL KINDS of evils..." So, I began to wonder, is money itself bad? My immediate reaction was to chide myself for even giving any sort of positive thought to that green paper that you have to have in order to live. How dare I even consider thinking of money in a positive light.
However, I then thought of Abraham, David, Joseph, and another Bible figure who incredibly obscure, Lydia - the dealer in purple cloth. All these people had wealth beyond measure, and God gave it to them.
Now everyone knows that I abhor the so-called "health, wealth, and prosperity gospel." I think it is stupid and completely degrading to say that God is basically our servant and will give us whatever we want if we say or do the "right" things. However, it is from God where we receive both the good and the bad. Take a look at Job. God allowed Satan to take everything from this very righteous man, and then God gave it back to him twice over. Why would God do that if money, wealth, financial freedom, etc, were bad?
We are of course to be good stewards of all our assets and to give back to the Lord what is rightfully His to begin with. So I have come to the conclusion that it is okay to ask God for more than financial freedom, to even ask for wealth. It is then up to His great judgement and His great glory and honor if He decides to give what we have asked for. With all blessings, however, they have their proper place - not above the Giver of the blessings.
Thanks for letting me share, and I look forward to seeing what you all have to say about this!