Thursday, August 20, 2009

What a world...

You know, when I think about modern-day slavery, political corruption, murder, credit card fraud, identity theft... I sometimes feel overwhelmed. Do you ever get that feeling of just, I don't know, "fed-up-ness" with everybody outside your inner circle of trusted friends, family, and advisors? Sometimes I just beg God for answers and for His return out of frustration with the state of the world, and my own heart at times.

Yet today I listened to the day's Bible readings from the English Standard Version. Psalm 37:1-2, "Fret not yourself because of evildoers, be not envious of wrongdoers! For they will soon fade like the grass and wither like the green herb." This came right after the portion of Esther in which the Jews are saved.

It's promises like these that the Christ reiterates during his time with the apostles. While it may seem like it is taking forever for the world to be redeemed, it is actually right on God's perfect time-table. God was faithful in the Old Testament and redeemed Israel over and over again. He was faithful in the New Testament to provide us with the atoning sacrifice in Christ so that we might have eternal life with Him. God can not go against His character. His character shows consistent faithfulness! If He has promised something that has not come to fruition, that's okay. It soon will.

Thanks for letting me share. : )

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Cafe au Lait

Well, I have finally succumbed to another popular trend (blogging being the first). I am now a coffee drinker. However, I am still a baby coffee consumer, so drinking it black or any where close to that is completely out of the question. I have found that cafe au lait (with about six little packets of sugar) is just my style.

I have to say this has opened a whole new world for me. I feel like a cool person now!

So, tell me. How do you like your coffee?

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Success and Christianity, do they mix?

My hubby and I have begun a new business, my dream business, while he has just become an insurance agent. One of the reasons he became an insurance agent is because insurance is, supposedly, one of only a few recession-proof careers. The other reason is, as a church planter he may not receive a paycheck that can cover any of our costs as a family. Thus we need jobs to provide for us and our ministry!

That being said, as we joined this insurance marketing company, we noticed how everybody there talks only about two things. Helping other families and helping their families. When people get up to talk, they tell about how they made $20,000 in one week or more. The crazy thing is, they are not kidding. That is their actual paycheck on a regular basis. As we have continued on with the company, our managers expect us to read consistently. Mostly motivational and leadership books, of course. Anyway, hubby and I began to search the Scriptures about what we were reading in these books. There's a lot in our reading list that just promote selfish ambition and give wealth-seeking advice, but surprisingly, there are many that are just meant to encourage folks to do the best at what they do and get compensated for their time.

I want everybody's opinion on this one. We all know that the most mis-quoted verse in the Bible is 1 Timothy 6:10, "For the LOVE of money is the root of ALL KINDS of evils..." So, I began to wonder, is money itself bad? My immediate reaction was to chide myself for even giving any sort of positive thought to that green paper that you have to have in order to live. How dare I even consider thinking of money in a positive light.

However, I then thought of Abraham, David, Joseph, and another Bible figure who incredibly obscure, Lydia - the dealer in purple cloth. All these people had wealth beyond measure, and God gave it to them.


Now everyone knows that I abhor the so-called "health, wealth, and prosperity gospel." I think it is stupid and completely degrading to say that God is basically our servant and will give us whatever we want if we say or do the "right" things. However, it is from God where we receive both the good and the bad. Take a look at Job. God allowed Satan to take everything from this very righteous man, and then God gave it back to him twice over. Why would God do that if money, wealth, financial freedom, etc, were bad?

We are of course to be good stewards of all our assets and to give back to the Lord what is rightfully His to begin with. So I have come to the conclusion that it is okay to ask God for more than financial freedom, to even ask for wealth. It is then up to His great judgement and His great glory and honor if He decides to give what we have asked for. With all blessings, however, they have their proper place - not above the Giver of the blessings.

Thanks for letting me share, and I look forward to seeing what you all have to say about this!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Wow, what a shmuck.

I'm talking about me. Not long after publishing the last post I realized how incredibly ungrateful and hard hearted I can be. What a shmuck. God has only commanded a few things of His children, and one of those is to love unconditionally. I shouldn't have shouted my complaints and frustrations to the world. I wanted to delete the last post, but I figured that would be a little dishonest. So, here I am in all my unworthiness. I hope you can forgive the past rantings. I commit myself to refrain from airing out stupid comments to the world on my blog from this point on...unless they're poignant to an argument. : )

Well, let me give you an update on what's going on over here. As per my last post, VBS was actually cancelled. There was no victory for me in that decision. I feel truly horrible that our little congregation can not fulfill their hearts' desire to be with little children. God is grateful, however, and in His word He reminds us that if we are seeking and delighting ourselves in Him, He will grant us the desires of our hearts. So, maybe we will see that happen soon.

My business is now up and going. Yea!! I have all the proper documentation and am now hoping to get the word out! I joined the National Association of Professional Women to assist me in this endeavor. Hopefully I will be able to get a website up and going soon too.

My hubby leaves for Annual Training soon. : ( It will be hard to have him gone for so long, but he's doing his duty. I'm very proud of him. He also sells mortgage protection, life insurance, and annuities and that business is picking up remarkably.

Well, that's pretty much it for now!! If you get a chance, please pray for Lady Di (aka Diane Nix my mentor). There are a lot of fantastic things going on, and some not-so-fantastic things. She would appreciate all prayers.

Y'all have a great week!