Many of you probably already know my employment dilemma, but in the words of Ricky Ricardo, let me 'splain. My whole life I've been taught that getting an education is the way to get a good job. I know that's true, for the most part, but what people don't tell you is that during a recession, it doesn't matter how much education you have if the money ain't there! (I'm out of school less than a month and I'm already going back to slang.) So, I have been desperately searching for employment because I need to help pay the bills, which keep piling, and so I don't become bored completely out of my MIND! I was pretty bummed out this week before God brought me to my knees and reminded me of something.
He is totally in charge.
He reminded me that He is the one who created the stars, the sun, the And when He brought me peace, I still didn't have a job, but I had the reassurance that He will never leave me nor forsake me. He loves me. I am His, and no matter what, He will provide. Isn't that lovely?!
When I got to that point, I was looking over Lake Pontchartrain when the tide was in. I suddenly was overwhelmed to the point of hysteria with ideas about what I need to do next. (Hysteria may be too strong of a word, but it was motivating to say the least!) I left and went to the restaurant my hubby works at, sat down, and started to write. I barely stopped for over two hours. God gave me a speech that has been in my heart to give to young women for so long, but never wrote down. He gave me an idea for a book that many people have encouraged me to write. He gave me the information I needed for starting my business. There was so much giving I could hardly write or think fast enough! I don't know what will become of any of this, but I'm going to share with you what God gave to me so that you may share in my joy and prayers.
First let me tell you about the book idea. My thesis was written about a group that was established in 1881. We know of only two other people that wrote about this group in any detail. One book was written over 20 years ago, and the other is not devoted to the group but only mentions it a few times. So, I want to write a biography of the group with the intention of starting a book series on New Orleans history through the eyes of women. I think it will be pretty cool, and I already know of publishers that would more than likely publish it.
The speech God gave me is one that is near and dear to me. I want to call it Girl Talk with an "It" Girl. It's about dressing, speaking, and acting modestly and in purity in order to honor our Lord. Some times, and I was guilty of this, girls just don't listen to their mothers about clothes and how to act around guys. I was a beauty queen, fashion model, and "Miss" everything in high school and college, and I believe God used me in those capacities to reach out to other women in this way.
And finally, let me tell you about my business. For His Name's Sake, L.L.C. will be legal in about 2 weeks. This business will be mostly an oral history business. I will use my training and passion to record and preserve individual, family, corporate, or institution histories from the memories of those involved. I also will offer my transcribing abilities, as well as my and my hubby's speaking availabilities. This is the realization of a dream that God gave me some time ago, and I am so excited that it is here. It may take some time, but I am stoked!
To end, let me say that as recently as this afternoon, God has opened many doors for employment, and I think that I will have a job very soon. Praise our Creator God for watching over His own!!