Alright... are you ready for this? That's right. I am now, as of 4pm Friday afternoon, done and done with my THESIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I figured that now I have all this free time I should get on here and let you know what's going on in my life. : )
So, the thesis turned out to be 24 pages. (I know a little short, but it's mostly primary research from the nineteenth century. Don't judge me!) The title we finally decided on is, Behind the Fan: Conservative Activists in the New Orleans Christian Woman's Exchange, 1881-1891. Pretty cool, huh? I thought so. So now, I really am "Master G"! But, I actually was given a new nickname from Diane and her friend, Carol. I am
actually Master GiGi. Oh yeah.
Anyway, I've been working on it all week while I've been traveling with Diane in Texas. Ya'll, I have had the BEST time here. She really is a great mentor and friend. When she heard that my birthday was on Thursday, she has not stopped with the birthday greetings and surprises, something I was trying to avoid! Every day when we eat we get some sort of desert and the happy birthday song. Then, she bought me a COOKIE cake!!! I was way stoked, not that you can tell.
Okay, so why are we in Texas, you may be asking. I shall explain. Diane just had her first book published When God's Woman Wants to Give Up!, and this is her book tour. (If you want a copy, go to the Barnes & Noble web site - if she gets over 25o buys, she'll get a Reader's Choice designation and more publicity!) But I digress. Diane is also a woman's ministry speaker and teacher. She really has a heart for young minister's wives like me. So we have been at two churches this week, and then God opened a door for her to speak at First Baptist Euless, where they are hosting an Encourager conference for tired ministers and their tired wives. They asked if she would be willing to speak on Monday morning, so we called our husbands and prayed. Both were very encouraging for us to stay, so we did.
I tell you what, God is so gracious. I have learned and laughed so much while on this trip. I am so grateful for Diane and her wisdom. Her personality is a lot like mine, so life is never dull around us. (We both are "Lucy's".) But what is even greater about this trip is that I was able to meet up with Sarah, my team mate from my missionary journey to Southeast Asia! I had dinner with her and her fiance. They are getting married at the end of May, and I really hope I get to go. If you think about it, please lift her and her soon-to-be hubby Jason up in prayer. He has been called to the ministry and looking for what God wants him to do.
This is a slightly shorter post than I thought it would be, but I am T.I.R.E.D. You know, I am half way to 50 now. : ) Thanks to everyone who sent cards and greetings! I love you guys!
You are just the coolest! You just turned 25! I'm on my way to 26 this December! I didn't know it was your b-day, but now that I do Happy late B-day! Have fun in Texas! Miss ya we should totally do lunch or go to a movie soon or whenever you get back to Louisiana.