Thursday, January 29, 2009

Three members, 3 weeks

In three weeks, three of our members have gone to be with the Lord. We have lost at least five members since our coming here one year ago. What a time for mournful rejoicing. We are so delighted that they have no more pain and are with Jesus praising Him forever more, but we are sorrowful at their departure.

It is natural for us in our human state to want those we care about to be with us. It is hard to let them go, even to such a beautiful, blessed place. Our congregation is hurting now, and my hubby and I are having difficulty responding to their needs. This is our first church, and we feel so inadequate.

Yet in our inadequacies, God is glorified because He is more than enough.

There are more members that feel they are on the brink of leaving us as well either from illness or old age. Please be in prayer for us and our congregation as we go through this stage of grief and loneliness.

1 comment:

  1. I will definitely be praying for you! I know it's probably hard since y'all are really starting life with so much to look forward to, but you are surrounded by those who are toward the end. (Does that make sense?) Anyway, if you have anyone in your congregation who is alone, let me know and I can go sit with them. I'll bring Izzie, because she brings joy to everyone she meets.
