Sunday, February 1, 2009

A little joy...

You know, I whine and vent a lot with this blog, but I truly am a happy person. One of the smallest, yet still important, joys in my life is my little dog. (Cut me some slack - we don't have kids yet, and I don't have that many friends!) Scooter makes me smile every time I see him! Especially when I walk in the door after I've been gone for a while. He runs in circles for a few seconds, then runs to me panting heavily, lets me pick him up, pushes away from me, and then wants to be picked up again. This picture is certainly not his best, but I wanted one that shows how he loves to cuddle:)

Also, poor Thomas can't get Scooter to go to him! Scooter definitely has a favorite, and that's me. (Can you see now why I love this little guy?) I mean who doesn't want to be the favorite?! But more than that, Scooter helps teach me about what my life with the Lord is like. I've often thought about writing down "Life Lessons from Scooter", and I guess now is as good a time as ever.

Lesson 1. Scooter doesn't understand when I try to tell him to do, or not do, something. For example, I won't let him run in the front yard on his own because we don't have a fence and the road is close. So many times God won't allow something to happen that we want because in His great wisdom he sees what we can't. (This is not to say that I have such great wisdom, but I know a little bit more than Scooter!)

Lesson 2. Scooter loves being near me, and I love it when he wants to be right next to me. It hurts my feelings so bad when he won't come to me when I call him. How much we hurt God's feelings when we don't go to Him when He calls, we may never understand, but I think it's a lot.

There are other lessons I've learned from Scooter, but I'll save those for another time, another post! (Look out Leslye, I've got post plans!!)

1 comment:

  1. Bring it on, honey! You are a person of joy, and I've loved every moment of getting to know you. I hope God blesses our friendship for many years to come!
